First steps for professional development

About the program

Competence development and labor market integration in cooperation with vocational schools, the employers, and the youth.
A high percentage of young people in Europe drop out of secondary education, acquire occupations that are uncompetitive in the labor market, or face difficulties in finding suitable employment corresponding to their education. Often educational institutions and potential employers do not have the necessary tools to contribute effectively to the educational and employment success of these young people.

Four-year project “First steps for professional development” №2017-1-027, which is implemented in four countries: Hungary, Spain, Romania and Bulgaria, with the support of the EEA and Norway Financial Mechanism (EEA and Norway Grants) – Youth Fund employment seeks answers and solutions to this challenge.
The program provides support for the following groups of young people:

* Young people who study in vocational schools, but often do not have the appropriate conditions, knowledge and motivation to successfully complete their education.

* Young people who have dropped out of the education system, leaving school early.

* Young people with completed secondary education who have difficulty finding a job that matches their qualifications.

The project offers mentoring, career guidance, training for personal and professional development, access to employment opportunities. The implementation of the project will seek the active partnership of vocational schools and employers, who will also undergo training that meets the real needs of the participants, so as to obtain effective practical tools for institutional cooperation and integration of disadvantaged young people.

The partnership consortium is composed of 5 NGOs from 4 countries with strong partnerships. Each partner has the relevant experience and interests in the development and empowerment of young people from vulnerable groups, which will deepen cooperation and contribute to the exchange of good practices and ideas.
International partners:

Hungary: Autonomia Foundation – a leading organization

– Trust for Social Alternative Foundation
– Arete Youth Foundation – Bulgaria

Romania: Caritas Alba Iulia
Spain: Fundación Segretariado Gitano


